Class Schedule

Class Schedule

Thursday, 1 February 2018


February has begun!
I am looking forward to next month and all the events that will be happening, like our speech competition!

 A note from Ms. Helen, our Admissions Coordinator - As you are aware, the re-registration season is upon us and we have recently sent home packages with your child(ren). We value your loyalty and commitment to our school community and would love to continue our partnership by offering priority enrollment for our current SJA families. We kindly ask that you take a moment to review your financial statement and complete the information in the package and make any necessary changes to your place of residence, employment, email changes or any medical information that the administration should be aware of. Please be aware that in order to secure your child’s enrolment, it is imperative that you submit your re-enrollment package and fees no later than February 12, 2018 at 4:00 PM. After this date, all available grade-level spaces will be open to our families on waitlists who will then have the opportunity to secure any vacant positions.
Please bring in re-registration forms as soon as possible to ensure your child's enrollment.  Teacher requests are also taken into consideration based on the date of re-registration.

**If you have a particular teacher in mind, please do not hesitate to make a request and we will do our best to meet it.**

Quiz scheduled for Tuesday February 6th.

Today we continued with dividing decimals but looked at how we can now use our knowledge of dividing decimals and work towards having remainders of zero. When dividing a whole number by another whole number we can still end up having remainders. I explained to students that if we put a decimal beside the whole number being divided we can draw from the imaginary zeros that are always there. 

We also looked at when we divide a decimal number by a whole number we can once again include the imaginary zeros after our decimal. Since there is already a decimal in the number we don't have to add another. We did number one of the worksheet together.

The class was split in half today and students were given the opportunity to practice in front of their peers and gets stars and wishes. This will continue tomorrow for those that did not get the chance to present today. So far many students are well on the way to having their speeches memorized. This is an important aspect of the speech as I want to ensure that students are looking into the audience and not at their paper. Please encourage students to present their speeches at home in front of family. All speeches must be completely memorized by Monday.

Spelling lesson 17 test is tomorrow!

UOI: Biodiversity
Today students spent their time working on their human impact commercials. All groups made amazing progress on their commercials and I am hopeful they will be done tomorrow and have final edits/presentations on Monday. This will conclude our UOI on Biodiversity. 


A note from Ms. Bancud 

All payments are due on Friday, February 9th, 2018. This month's special is Vegetable Stir Fry with Jasmine Rice that will be available every Friday!

 Payment Instructions

   There are two options to pay for lunches. Cash and Freshbooks. 

              Shortly after completing your order, a Freshbooks invoice will be sent to your email.

              It may take one or two days to process your order to Freshbooks, so please be check your email diligently for the invoice.  

   We no longer accept cheque as a method of payment.
If you have any questions concerning the Lunch Ordering site or Freshbooks, feel free to email me at

A note about March Break Camp - Registration forms were sent home back in October. We have had many students sign up since then and especially over the last few days. If you are interested in registering your chid for our March Break camp, please send in the completed registration form, along with the $20 one-time non-refundable deposit in order to secure your child's spot (this could be paid in cash or through fresh books). This year there are two options to choose from the first being lunch and two snacks provided or the second being send your own packed lunch and a discounted camp rate! We also have daily rates available. Please contact Ms. Smith for more details. **Summer Camp forms have also been sent home!**

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