Class Schedule

Class Schedule

Tuesday 10 April 2018


Good evening parents and students,

TOMORROW morning is our rock climbing trip. Students are to come to school in their gym uniform. I know I am excited! Students will be leaving school at approximately 9:45 and will arrive back at school around 12noon.

SPRING FUNDRAISER!!!!! Our annual Spring Fundraiser is fast approaching. This year our Spring Fundraiser will run from Monday, April 16 to Friday, April 20. We are hoping to raise $12,000. All of the funds raised this year will go towards improving technology for our classrooms, such as tables, TVs, 3-D printers, and reading stations. Each day that week, we will host a different activity. For $2 on Monday, students can dress like a ‘Pirate.’ On Tuesday, enjoy a bag of popcorn for $2. Wednesday is Pancake Breakfast. Order 1 pancake for $2 or 3 pancakes for $5. Gluten-free pancakes are also available! 1 gluten-free pancake for $2.50 or 3 for $6.00. On Thursday, enjoy an ice cream sundae for $5. Sundaes include two scoops of vanilla OR chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce. Add a banana or apple for $1. To wrap up the week we will be hosting a dance party for $5. Order forms have been sent home and will be due no later than Thursday, April 12. For students who collect a minimum of $35, they will get to enjoy a morning or afternoon at Kidsport. Please use the pledge sheet provided and be sure to turn in on a daily basis! All pledges will be due on Thursday, April 19. Daily prizes for the most amount of money brought in are; bonus casual days, getting to sit at your teacher’s desk for a day, or shooting Mr. Foster with a Nerf gun. School wide fundraising targets will allow students the opportunity to give Mr. Rozario a makeup lesson or water balloon their teachers. So, get out there SJA, and raise some money!!!!!
 This is the paper that should be filled out and returned Thursday April 12th.

As you may be aware, there was a tragic accident that occurred in Saskatchewan on Friday evening. The Humboldt Broncos junior hockey team was involved in an accident while travelling by bus to one of their playoff games, claiming the lives of 15 people and injuring many others. Around the country and world, organizations have shown their support to these victims, their families, and the Humboldt community. Here at St. Jude’s Academy, we strive to have students apply the learner profile attributes and attitudes not only through their studies at school, but in their community. St. Jude’s would like to show our support for the victims and their families by sending our students to school on Thursday, April 12th, wearing their favourite sports jersey to honour the Humboldt Broncos. The school will be holding a short assembly and a moment of silence on Thursday morning for Grades 3-12 to honour these players, coaches, and families.

In Class:

Today we looked at simple tessellation (using one congruent shape) and how to describe the transformations used. We looked at how to create tessellations like the ones below.

Image result for simple tessellationsImage result for simple tessellations

I was impressed with how most students were able to create the tesselation! The main area of improvement is how we describe our transformations so that it is clear to the reader. Labeling images will help! Tomorrow we will be looking at a similar topic: tiling patterns. The summative for this unit is fast approaching and has to do with what we are learning right now! Here is a little video to give the students a hint as to what we will be doing.
Math quizzes will be handed back tomorrow and are to be signed and returned.

Today we talked a little about our novel what the impressions students are taking from what they read. It was great to hear that a lot of students are finding the story to be inspiring! This lends well to our next UOI task as we are going to look at social issues around us and try to bring about change!

Students completed a quiz today! I gave students an extra 10 mins to study and quiz each other and they really used the time well! I heard some amazing quiz questions. I will be marking these tomorrow. 
I also handed out our next UOI task: Take a Stand. Students will be writing persuasive letters to ask for change!  At home tonight, students are to pick a topic that is affecting society within a municipal, provincial, or federal level. This topic is something that they will need to be able to create a reasonable solution for as well! Some examples we talked about in class were: changing recycling in schools, raising or lowering speed limits on highways, changing immigration laws so more people can come, collecting plastic from oceans. 
I am interested to see the topics that come to school tomorrow

I also went to music with the students today and was so impressed with their singing ability!! Well done students! I think we will sound amazing for Arts Night :)
Students need to bring their instruments for tomorrow!


Grade 6 Exhibition is well under way. The 'Deforestation' group - Mehar, Laryssa, and Kian, sharing information about deforestation and how we can help stop it. Please see note sent home tonight!

St. Jude’s FC A new and exciting soccer program has arrived at SJA. St. Jude’s FC is the official soccer academy affiliated with SJA, which is currently taking applicants for its inaugural season. St. Jude's FC will be playing against the best REP teams around the area. Do not miss the opportunity to sign your child up to not only play against the best, but be coached by the best as well.  Please see flyer sent home for further information. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the flyer and send into Ms. Dawn. Let’s go St. Jude’s FC!!

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